

Any Charges Reported on this blog are Merely Accusations and the Defendants are Presumed Innocent Unless and Until Proven Guilty, through the courts.

November 21, 2011

Preventing Abuse and Neglect (USA)

Preventing Abuse and Neglect
November 18, 2011
By Elaine Chen, MSG, National Center on Elder Abuse

“I never expected to find myself in this position,” the woman told me with frustration overlying the sadness in her voice. Her mother, Mrs. P, had moved into an independent living community, and recently began displaying increasingly worrisome behaviors. The property managers called with warnings about her misuse of the washing machine. Family friends shared concerns about her increasing confusion and uncharacteristic combativeness. Mrs. P’s companion caregiver told of the stove burner being left on. As Mrs. P’s neighbor, I had called her adult daughter after I heard pacing and crying next door. When I went to find out what was happening, the usually upbeat Mrs. P had collapsed in a heap on the floor, sobbing about a lost shoe.
Like almost everyone, Mrs. P’s daughter had no training in caring for an older family member. She responded to each emergency as it arose. She had the stove disconnected. She thought it might help for Mrs. P to visit the doctor, but Mrs. P did not want to go. Mrs. P’s daughter felt resentful of her mother’s strange behavior and sometimes feared she might lose control.
Research indicates close to half of community-dwelling elders with dementia experience abuse or neglect. The best combination of factors for predicting which people with dementia have been mistreated is physical assault and psychological aggression by the person with dementia toward the caregiver. If this describes the situation of someone you know, consider offering or getting help. Medical and social services can avert a crisis.
In every state, Adult Protective Services programs receive reports of suspected adult abuse, exploitation or neglect. According to the client’s needs and wishes, APS caseworkers may arrange for the provision of medical, social, economic, legal, law enforcement or other protective, emergency or supportive services. To learn more about Adult Protective Services and what happens when a report is made, go tohttp://www.ncea.aoa.gov/ncearoot/Main_Site/Find_Help/APS/About_APS.aspx.
“I can’t think of another issue that affects more people in this country where less is being done,” elder justice advocate and MacArthur fellow MT Connolly recently told USA Today. For the first time ever, U.S. Congress passed a federal elder abuse prevention law, the Elder Justice Act, just last year, to support agencies’ response to elder abuse. However, the law is powerless because Congress has not funded the $21.5 million budgeted for the work to happen. Society’s avoidance and minimizing of the problem perpetuates suffering in silence.
There are things that anyone can do to help prevent elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
1.Stay in touch with caregivers and loved ones receiving care. Isolation is a major risk factor for elder mistreatment.
2.Talk about and plan ahead for cognitive impairments.
If you suspect your older loved one is at risk, call your local Adult Protective Services or Area Agency on Aging. To get connected to local help, call Eldercare Locator at             1-800-677-1116       or visit www.eldercare.gov
As for Mrs. P, her daughter remained unable or unwilling to take action, until Adult Protective Services was called for suspected neglect. The daughter agreed that the medical situation was urgent, and used some tips provided by the Alzheimer’s Association to get her mother to the doctor. The doctor confirmed that Mrs. P had a dementing illness, and began treatment. Mrs. P’s daughter got help to find a more appropriate placement for Mrs. P where she could get the increased supervision that she needed.

1) Building a Care Partnership: A Special Series Offered for Family Caregivers
The Alzheimer’s Association Orange County Chapter organized a team for elder abuse prevention, which teamed with the Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect to develop a workshop: “Building a Care Partnership: A Special Series Offered for Family Caregivers.” The class helps caregivers to avoid misunderstandings and frustration with hired caregivers through effective communication. Check their Family Education Calendar to learn more. It is offered at least every six weeks.

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