

Any Charges Reported on this blog are Merely Accusations and the Defendants are Presumed Innocent Unless and Until Proven Guilty, through the courts.

October 15, 2008

Justifiable Elder Abuse (International)

Justifiable Elder Abuse Claims
By Andrew C

A recent reader's comments on the Frank Punito case, brought out the issue of Justifiable Elder Abuse. Sure, there is always another side to a story/case; but are there circumstances or situations where elder abuse is justified?

I could not agree more on the comment about ‘…will be interesting to have the ex-wife’s and the children’s versions of events.

For the visitor (Francesca) who left that remark – you are obviously close to the family. Provide us with the other versions and we’ll post them. Perhaps, we can then better understand this case!

Let us explore the following pertinent points re the Frank Punito Case:

We all have faults of one kind or another. But are those faults sufficient in justifying actions and inactions that amounted to elder abuse? Is there such a thing as “Justifiable Elder Abuse”?

*** Version from the ex-wife. (As outlined on the Frank Punito website – The ex-wife was diagnosed with a serious mental illness over 40 years ago.)
*** Version of the case, from the Frank’s children.
How should we treat cases that are claimed to be “Justifiable Elder Abuse”?

*** The Frank Punito Case. In some interviews with close relatives; the question was posed, as to whether Frank had abused his family. The common replies - “NO!”. “Perhaps he had spoilt them and given them too much”.

The comment from a close relative, regarding “……always wanted his own way…..”. If that was enough to justify how he was treated; then ALL cases of Elder Abuse in the privacy of homes, have to be removed from the list of ‘Types of Elder Abuse’. Furthermore, I’ve documents written by the children, that contradicted any claims of an abusive father.

Some may speculate that perhaps, Frank did not pay enough attention to his family. Sure, he worked extremely hard, under very difficult circumstances; and he is not the only father who wished he could have spent more time with his family. But again, is this enough to justify elder abuse and neglect?

It was only through his hard work that he and his ex-wife are now financially independent; and his children were well-assisted, financially. Every investment and property holdings were in the name of the family trust. It was only after he consulted solicitors about property settlement, that he was advised to opened a bank account in his own name.

*** Version of events from the ex-wife. The webmaster of that website did not reveal a lot of details regarding the difficulties for Frank, with regards to his ex-wife. Suffice to say, there were a whole range of accusations by the ex-wife, throughout the 40 years of marriage. Some were traced to TV shows she had watched. Some other accusations led to certain close family members “banned” from visiting Frank.

*** Version of events by the children. We are most curious and would greatly appreciate if someone could provide us with their version. We will publish their version, without editing. Let the world judge this puzzling case. Frankly, I do not think they will bother. Any offer of help to mediate in the earlier days of the case, were rejected. According to the daughter (in an email to Frank) “……I don’t need this unsolicited advice…….” .

I have received more documentary evidence on this case, but will hold off till a more opportune time. Those documentary evidence have been preserved for release at certain time in the future. Suffice to say at this stage; those further evidence will shock and outrage most of us.
Therefore, any claims of "justifiable elder abuse" is nonsensical!

The victim, now 78 years of age, is bewildered and "destroyed". He could have died during the stressful 8-9 years in his "hell hole" (as he called his living-quarters during that period).

“Elder abuse, like other forms of violence, is never an acceptable response to any problem or situation, however stressful.” American Psychological Association

We, in general, may not have the expertise to make assessments of claimed "justifiable elder abuse", but it is an important moral and legal issue.

Anyone care to comment?

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